18 October 2009

Bond Unbound.

Bond Unbound: A2 Poster Competition. Winning entry.
One of my second year projects was to create motion pieces using material from the film Octopussy [1983] to deconstruct the stereotypes of the James Bond franchise resulting in a collective film piece and showing. A competition was held to design a typographic poster to advertise this event. I designed this poster after being hit by a wave of creativity when drunk after returning from a night out. I wanted to work with a geometric typeface that represented the initial simplicity of the James Bond franchise yet use that typeface in a way that resembles the unbinding of the franchise to reveal its unseen schematics. I put the type together with the thought process of the geometric circles representing links in a chain that have been burst open revealing the overlooked undertones of the franchise. Although content with the outcome, I certainly was surprised to design the winning entry, It's safe to say I got some interesting glares from the other participants in the room when it was announced.

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